Complete the worksheet on describing the caricature's facial/head features

Label the Skeleton


Label the Skeleton with the body part vocabulary learned in class.  We have learned upwards of 20 words and most of them should be labeled on the picture. NOTE: don't forget you ALWAYS write an article with the noun (le/la OR un/une)

Je suis parce que


Complete the worksheet Je suis parce que (I am because) that was begun in class.  The left column is for nouns or adjectives that describe who you are, the middle column will always be parce que and the right column is to explain why that adjective or noun describes you.

At the bottom of the worksheet, write 2 complete sentences about yourself using the information above it as a guide.

Unité 1: Examen


Unité 1: Examen Aujourd'hui!



Study for the test on Thursday!!

Complete study guide assignments.  Don't forget any late homework or classwork MUST be turned in before the test!!! The study guide also has all the vocabulary from this unit on it in french and English.
Per 4 Only: This will most likely be challenging- try to come up with a new verse for the song Comment tu t'appelles? Every other word should rhyme like the song does.  Use the worksheet as a helpful resource to give you ideas.  Here is the packet of information we went through and here is the link to the song Comment tu t'appelles?
Per 3 & 4: Crossword puzzle on informal and formal commands
Per 3 Only: This will most likely be challenging- try to come up with a new verse for the song Comment tu t'appelles?(Click on the title if you want to hear it). Every other word should rhyme like the song does.  Use the worksheet (Click on word to download) as a helpful resource to give you ideas. 
Draw a picture of either the character you played in class today OR the girlfriend/boyfriend of your dreams and write down sentences using 7 adjectives that match the picture. Make sure that your sentences show that you understand the proper location of where to place an adjectives.
YES: Elle est une fille folle.  Il a les cheveux bruns.
NO: Elle est sympathique. (because it doesn't show me you know where to place the adjective.)
Complete the worksheet given in class on writing commands and the placement of adjectives
Get any classroom supplies you don't already have & bring them to class everyday:
- Pen/Pencil
- Binder/Folder
- Notebook
- Colored Pencils